Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Placement Activity: Spoon Puppets

A volunteer found this activity from the website link listed on the right-hand side of this site, babycenter.com.  Kids can use their imaginations to make a puppet show out of old plastic spoons!

Activity Name:
Spoon Puppets

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Placement Activity: Potholes

Here is an activity that I personally used in India.  It became a favorite game of the residents, and they wanted to do it every week.  I'm sure it would work well with kids and young adults too!  I had originally named it "Minefield" but I changed the name to be less violent.

Activity/Idea name:

Monday, June 4, 2012

Placement Activity: Paper Bag Puppets

This is activity shows that stimulating a child's imagination is more important than what kinds of resources or decorations are accessible.  If you have the time and capability, it can be great fun to decorate and personalize a puppet as listed below.  However, even something as simple as a quickly drawn face onto a paper bag can provide hours of entertainment and creative exercises!

Activity/Idea name:
Paper Bag Puppets